Oct. 26, 2023

Project - Kids Blue Jumper

[Pre Blog Project]

This is home spun cotton. I decided to try dyeing the yarn instead of keeping it white. The think the dye was much too bright, the colour isn't very nice. The jumper turned out ok, the pattern is simple. Might have gifted this... But don't remember.

I wouldn't try dyeing again in a hurry, or at least with these strong synthetic dyes.

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Charlotte Leysen

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Hi there I'm Charlotte from London and I am a Millennial hobbiest. By that I mean I love making things, for both the process and the outcomes. On this blog I talk about all the things I'm working on and learning each week. On some projects I will go into a bit more detail on what I did and my experience through it.

Some facts about me:

- I am not a perfectionist, preferring to complete something than to attempt to make something flawless.

- I am in a constant cycle of building up inspiration, executing the ideas, then winding down to reflect and regenerate.

- I am interested in almost anything that can be made from scratch using nature / natural materials.

Thanks for stopping by!

Let the posts come to you.