Dec. 31, 2024
This project was started just before Christmas. I used leftover plywood I had from making the storage cupboard. I wanted to make this mainly for the extra handy storage, but also to continue practising my skills.
I mostly used the jigsaw, the mitre saw and the electric router. Although am becoming more proficient with a chisel and hammer, which I will try to use more in future projects.
I really appreciated that this was a much shorter, more contained project. Even though it took about a week in small stages. I'm very happy with the result! To finish them off, I sanded, then used my steel and vinegar wood dye, some beeswax coating and linseed oil. The homemade dye is working ok. I like the fact that it's a natural dye, but it does leave a certain green tinge in some parts of the wood. However, the tinge turns more brown with the wax and oil afterwards. I'll stick with this for now as the pros outweigh the cons.
All in all, love it. Less of an enemy of the plywood now. It's a case of knowing how to work with it I guess...
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Hi there I'm Charlotte from London and I am a Millennial hobbiest. By that I mean I love making things, for both the process and the outcomes. On this blog I talk about all the things I'm working on and learning each week. On some projects I will go into a bit more detail on what I did and my experience through it.
Some facts about me:
- I am not a perfectionist, preferring to complete something than to attempt to make something flawless.
- I am in a constant cycle of building up inspiration, executing the ideas, then winding down to reflect and regenerate.
- I am interested in almost anything that can be made from scratch using nature / natural materials.