Feb. 9, 2025

Faber Forest - 8 February 2025

Since my last update, I've been busy adding in all the tree guards to every tree and hedge. I still have loads to spare. The rabbits had already knawed at a couple of fruit trees, but I think since I've put the guards on that has stopped... I hope it will stay that way.

It's been very windy the last few weeks and each time I go to the field I need to fix a few trees that are leaning over. All in all though it's looking great. With the guards on, I can also see the trees much easier from a distance so the field is looking full. The next big task is putting mulch down around every tree... I initially started doing this with cardboard, but I don't think it's working out. The cardboard can fly around in the wind or blow up against the tree and puts pressure on the roots. If it doesn't stay in place and cover the grass it's not doing its job. So... I've been thinking about how to solve this.

My neighbour, who bought his field in Spring last year, a few months before me, has similar goals to me, in that he wants to grow things on his own land. Initially he was growing potatoes and the like, but I think he's got inspired by my trees and has planted a bunch of fruit trees and a hedge that runs along his fence. He's got stakes and tree guards and he gathered lots of long grasses that that grew that summer and hadn't been cut. It seems to be working for him... So that inspired me to copy him too! 

I don't really have any uncut grass in my field, it was cut before I'd bought it, but I do have an established hedge border that is mainly brambles and long grass. Initially I didn't think it would be feasible to try harvest it or that it would be enough for all the trees, but I think it's worth a go. It's also the time of year where the grass is truly dead and really easy to pull out. When I say grass. I mean tall plants. Not sure what they were originally, but things like cow parsely; tall weed type things. 

I've started harvesting it and seems to be working, I've surrouding a handful of trees with the mulch. Let's see if it blows away. I'm going to needs loads, so this will be a multi day / multi week project.

My garlic is starting to come up, which is really cool, its poking up through the burlap. The burlap is there to protect is from diggers e.g. rabbits. Although I think they probably don't like garlic. The other risk is dogs, they often come running in as they walk by. But I think I'll have to take the burlap off soon to give the garlic more air space. 

I've also been busy building storage to add to the field. I made one box with feathered edges and installed it next to my existing plastic one. Somehow it looks cute to me, like two box friends. I'll be making another identical one to go on the other side.

This first box is now full of extra tree guards and bamboo sticks. The second I'm planning to use for blankets and soft furnishings for when I create my camp fire area. After the second box, I want to build some chairs for comfy seating.

All this means I've done less work on the field and more woodworking at home.

My main fail is the onions... Its not a complete write off yet, if inspiration strikes I will try again, but I won't be prioritising it anymore. Basically I just had so many onion sets to plant... It will take me probably a solid 4 hours to plant in good conditions. Although, with all the rain, the soil is really muddy and just not a great experience to plant onions in. I've already done probably around 500. So a fair few, but maybe only 40% of the bag. So I'm just going to leave it for now and get on with other things. If I have spare time I'd do a few. 

Next update will be all about mulching, pruning brambles and more woodworking. Let's go! 

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Charlotte Leysen

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Hi there I'm Charlotte from London and I am a Millennial hobbiest. By that I mean I love making things, for both the process and the outcomes. On this blog I talk about all the things I'm working on and learning each week. On some projects I will go into a bit more detail on what I did and my experience through it.

Some facts about me:

- I am not a perfectionist, preferring to complete something than to attempt to make something flawless.

- I am in a constant cycle of building up inspiration, executing the ideas, then winding down to reflect and regenerate.

- I am interested in almost anything that can be made from scratch using nature / natural materials.

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