Nov. 10, 2023

The Crochet Blanket

10 Nov 2023


This week I mostly worked on the massive crochet blanket. Its taken a few weeks already and I’ve been working on it pretty intensely. I’ve done the main inner square, now its the outer motifs and then the final border. But still will take a while!


I’ve already mentally lined up the next project, which will be knitting a cardigan for my partner. If I power through all this, maybe i’ll finish both by…. end of the year? Might be optimistic.


Christmas is approaching and I don’t want to jump the gun, but…. I might try a marzipan recipe today. I will definitely be remaking all those Christmas treats like roasted nuts and gingerbread etc.


My garden is getting redone this week and next week. This is very exciting and will make next year’s gardening much better, aesthetically and for growing, i’ll have integrated beds instead of pots. So more soil volume, better hydration.

It’ll be too late this winter to really grow any winter crops so most of it might have to be bare until spring. I’m also keen to get my compost back. Having thrown my wooden box anyway in the summer because it attracted mice, i’ve now got one that’s closed to pests, and its mostly hidden in the ground.


I do need some more inspiration though for next steps. I want to do something a bit bigger with all these crafts. Or hone in on something maybe a bit more marketable.

When in doubt for new projects I always refer to my stash supply. I’m already trying to minimise my stash. I still have a lot of raw wool to spin, a bunch of cotton to spin. Some silk like fabric for sewing. Some cushions. Some scrap fabric for stuffing.

Let’s see how and when the inspiration strikes!

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Charlotte Leysen

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Hi there I'm Charlotte from London and I am a Millennial hobbiest. By that I mean I love making things, for both the process and the outcomes. On this blog I talk about all the things I'm working on and learning each week. On some projects I will go into a bit more detail on what I did and my experience through it.

Some facts about me:

- I am not a perfectionist, preferring to complete something than to attempt to make something flawless.

- I am in a constant cycle of building up inspiration, executing the ideas, then winding down to reflect and regenerate.

- I am interested in almost anything that can be made from scratch using nature / natural materials.

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