Jan. 19, 2025
I had a big shipment of tree guards and extra bamboo stakes arrive. I went out to the field twice this week to put them all in place. My official count of total hedges and trees planted now is 628. All of them need a stake and a plastic guard. As of now, I’ve done all the trees and 1/4 of the hedges. Need to continue this next week. I have a small hill of tree guards clogging up my main tool storage bin, hence the need for more storage boxes.
Tree and Hedge Total Count:
• 125 Hawthorn hedges
• 125 Seabuckthorn hedges
• 50 Elderberry hedges
• 50 Common Dogwood hedges
• 25 Rose hedges
• 50 Hazel hedges
• 25 Common Osier Willow
• 25 White Willow
• 25 Downy Birch
• 50 Italian Alder
• 25 Norway Maple
• 25 Native Black Popular
• 28 Fruit Trees (various species e.g. Apple, Pear, Apricot, Cherry)
Total: 628
I’ve continued planting onions, of which I still have over 10kg to go I think… I’ll probably change tactics next time, instead of individual planting (which is still relatively fast, just not fast enough considering the volume) I’m going to prepare loose soil then scatter / throw all the onions on top. Then step on it to bury it a bit in the soil and maybe find some mulch to spread over the top. This is an unproven method that I’ve just come up with, so don’t copy me yet…
The rabbits are fully at it. Its' a race to protect the trees. Once the spring time buds start forming its going to all out war with the deer. Do I need to start guard 24/7? Probably. Let's just pray these trees last the year.
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Hi there I'm Charlotte from London and I am a Millennial hobbiest. By that I mean I love making things, for both the process and the outcomes. On this blog I talk about all the things I'm working on and learning each week. On some projects I will go into a bit more detail on what I did and my experience through it.
Some facts about me:
- I am not a perfectionist, preferring to complete something than to attempt to make something flawless.
- I am in a constant cycle of building up inspiration, executing the ideas, then winding down to reflect and regenerate.
- I am interested in almost anything that can be made from scratch using nature / natural materials.