Aug. 24, 2024

Coding and Travelling

17 – 23 August

This week has been travel central. Started off the weekend to Tuesday in Belgium. That was a nice few days chilling with family, cleaning the sheep wool. I also took a bunch of cuttings from Hydrangea plants that my parents have here. It’s much easier to cut them here than forage for them in London; you don’t want to be taking them from other people’s gardens! So I took a bunch of cuttings, helped by my four year old nephew and put them in water until the day I left. Eventually they’ll need to go in soil.

This week I went hard into coding my new blog website. I’ve mentioned I’m going to create my own website from scratch instead of using WordPress, which is what I’m currently using. I’m hoping for much more flexible styling, functionality, widgets etc. So far it’s going great. I actually think I’ve finished all the structure of the website, including user registration, login, profile, admin system for creating posts, editing them, uploading media etc. Every time I try to make a website with Django it just goes surprisingly well. There were so many feature tasks to do, but got it all done this week. The next step is deploying the site on GCloud. I’m not sure yet how to take the craftofliving domain name from WordPress onto my new site. Once it’s deployed, there is still a list of tasks, but I’ll be so close to calling it final V1. 

Sneak peak

Preliminary final list of tasks for V1:

  • Deploy to Cloud
  • Transfer domain name
  • Add Google Analytics
  • Add project planning page
  • Add finished project deep dives
  • Review and finalise styling

I’ve spent two weeks on this so far… including watching a series of tutorials on how to work with Django, so I’m quite pleased with myself for having got so far. Short and intense.  

On Tuesday I travelled back to London, was at home for 2 days. I harvested a bunch of tomatoes, pruned and watered my garden, did a few walks and runs around the park. I love being at home nowadays, I cherish it. This summer has been quite dismal though weather wise. The chilli peppers in the garden are still non existent, the courgettes haven’t gone into their swing yet, and tomatoes are ripening now albeit mid of August.

Garden harvest

On Friday, my partner and I headed off to Copenhagen. Next week it’s a full week off from work as we tour around Copenhagen, then Gotland island (Sweden) then Stockholm with a wedding. I didn’t bring my knitting with me (my final sleeve I need to redo), but I did think last minute that Denmark is quite big in the knitting department. All the hot new knitting patterns and brands are Danish (well a lot of them at least). I haven’t really knit Danish patterns before so maybe this will be a good chance to try it. I’ve wanted to get a set of interchangeable circular needles for a while, maybe this is the time.

Lunch in Copenhagen after our morning flight

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Charlotte Leysen

Profile Page | Instagram

Hi there I'm Charlotte from London and I am a Millennial hobbiest. By that I mean I love making things, for both the process and the outcomes. On this blog I talk about all the things I'm working on and learning each week. On some projects I will go into a bit more detail on what I did and my experience through it.

Some facts about me:

- I am not a perfectionist, preferring to complete something than to attempt to make something flawless.

- I am in a constant cycle of building up inspiration, executing the ideas, then winding down to reflect and regenerate.

- I am interested in almost anything that can be made from scratch using nature / natural materials.

Thanks for stopping by!

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